Friday, August 6, 2010

Video: roman forum- roman ruins

I found the Roman forums, the place where the Senate met and which was the center of all things Roman, the most interesting of all. With the free audio guides I downloaded from, I learned about the history of all the major things shown in this video. The temples, the market places, the houses, the arcs I thought to myself, "these people were real and a few of them lived during the time of Christ, they ruled Jerusalem".... I will maybe finish my thoughts later- gotta go. The video below doesn't explain too much, but it is short and the view is good.

Download now or watch on posterous
IMG_0727.MOV (3088 KB)

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Favorite Family

  • Linton

Me Sleeping up at Strawberry

Me Sleeping up at Strawberry
One of my favorite things to do, even with my shoe(s) on